Welcome, Trillionaire

What is Trillionaire News?

You’re too busy for feeds. We narrow the world of social media down to the single most important and timely piece of information on the internet:

The most shared link of the day before it’s widely shared. Some days it provokes thought, other days it’s funny. Sometimes it’s the latest meme, and other times it’s the most important world event. Thanks to our technology you’ll know about it before anyone else.

As a Trillionaire you’ll know what the internet is going to be buzzing about each day by 5 AM EST, and you won’t have to bother with social media feeds for one more a second.

We know how precious your time is, so we built a tool to keep you in the know in just a few seconds a day.

How does it work?

It’s surprisingly simple.

We’ve developed proprietary algorithms that calculate the gravity of sharable media.

This just means we compare the number of likes and shares an article or tweet is getting to the number followers or typical engagement of the account that posted it. We look for predictable signals that let us know that content is about to take the internet by storm, and each day we send our results via a simple, beautiful, exclusive …email. Like we said, simple.

Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Sign up through the secure checkout form on this page.
  2. Check your inbox to confirm your email address.
  3. Keep an eye out for an email from us each morning at 5 AM EST to learn what the most important thing online will be today, long before the people who write the news know.

We’ll never share or re-sell or otherwise distribute your information. We value your privacy and security. 

Sign Up

Exclusive information, exclusive price.
You’re too smart for the usual pitch.
You won’t catch us claiming “only $99!”
It’s simple: $100/month

(We launch March 30th.
Sign up before then and get half price for life.)